Hello Everybody! Today I am going to be answering all of the questions that were asked on My Instagram. Enjoy!
I have always wanted to design my own stamps, and trust me it is coming soon in the future! I have some stamps already designed and I am talking to a couple of different companies about manufacturing them. I do not want to start my own line as it is a huge responsibly, but I would love to integrate some of my designs into other people’s product lines. Cross your fingers and maybe sometime you will see my name on some stamps in your favorite product lines!
I have to say I was hugely influenced by Kristina Werner and Jennifer Mcguire’s YouTube videos! They were the enablers who got me started in my card making journey. I wanted to then share my work with the world so I bought some supplies and started my YouTube channel and blog which brought me to where I am now.
As for when, I started card making when I was 11, however I have been doing so many crafty things ever since I was super little.
My favorite thing to create is definitely DIY projects and room decor. Something about being able to create your own furniture and projects for a cheaper price gives you a happy feeling. Not to mention, you get to keep you projects and look at them daily! I am a huge sucker for design, so anytime I get to create my own creative furniture I am super happy.
I have played other instruments in the past such as the piano and trumpet. I love music, but ended up quitting both to focus mainly on art (and I really disliked band)! I wasn’t such a fan of playing an instrument, however I pull them out occasionally to play.
When I graduate college I think I will lean more toward theater and acting and use my art as a backup plan. But, Things can change fast and I don’t know what the future holds for me.
YouTube has always been a huge part of my life, whether that means staying up till’ 5:00 in the morning to get a video edited or coming out with new and creative content, I am always trying to surprise my viewers. I want to incorporate DIY and acting into my channel more in the future. I hope to slowly mix in these videos to the channel to get everybody laughing and using their products for card making in so many different ways.
My favorite technique is simple, Distress Ink through a stencil with water sprayed over the top! This result is outstanding and it is the first thing I learned in card making.
I could never give an answer to that question because my favorite stamp set may change everyday. However, I love anything with animals to color in or stamps to practice new techniques on! Stamps are a personal preference to everyone and don’t let anybody change what you love in stamp designs.
Enjoy the video!
Enjoyed listening to your answers for these Q and A’s, Simon. Awesome mentors: Kristina and Jennifer; my favorites, too. Good luck with whatever you do in the future; think you’ll go far. Hope it’s a little bit of the crafting world as you are fun to follow. Can also see you doing some acting, etc.
Awesome post!
YOu’re excitement is contagious!