Everyone tells me that they loved the Cardmaking Challenge With My Mom video and we had so much fun creating it. So, we decided it would be tons of fun to film another cardmaking video together… this time a cardmaking relay race!
(Looking for anything that I used in the video? All of the supplies are linked with images to multiple stores at the end of this post. Compensated affiliate links used when possible. Watch the full video HERE in HD!)
We each worked in 3-minute intervals and once the time ran out our project was handed to the other person to continue. This was a fun challenge to work together and create off of whatever the other person decided to do!
Our card might not be great, but we had tons of fun creating it together!
Below are all of the supplies used in today’s video linked to multiple stores for convenience. Compensated affiliate links used when possible (when you use these links it helps support me at no extra cost to you)… Thank you!
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